The Stories I Write

The Stories I Write

The Stories I Choose to Write (and why). I get this question all the time and it’s a tricky one to answer. Genre I’ve written both fantasy and historical. I read very eclectically so that gets reflected in what I write. More recently I’ve been...


Tired Today I’mwind chimesSlackon a hot summer daywith no breezeto dance with The cup of coffeeyou abandonedhalf fullRestingonthe bookshelf A yo yo spun outThat’s suppose toUnfurlAnd walk the dogBut insteadlies stillstringbroken It hurtslike the...
Hey Karen, about your posts…Part 3

Hey Karen, about your posts…Part 3

The final post about questions you didn't ask... This is the third in a three part series. If you didn’t catch the first two you can find Part 1 here and Part 2 here. As always, these are my thoughts and ideas. It’s based upon a number of years of research...
Hey Karen, about your posts…Part 2

Hey Karen, about your posts…Part 2

More info you didn't ask for... This is the second part of a three part installation. If you didn’t catch Part 1 you can find it here. As mentioned before, there’s a method behind my madness. So let’s get to the meat of it. So, the second reason I...
Hey Karen, about your posts…Part 1

Hey Karen, about your posts…Part 1

The question you didn't know you wanted to ask. With my new blog and social media I’ve also focused my message a bit more. You may not agree with me on the topics I choose to write about but as long as you can interact on my pages in a civil manner then...
Book Review: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Book Review: Dread Nation by Justina Ireland

Book Review - Five Stars Description: Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania—derailing the War Between the States and changing the nation forever. In this new America, safety for all depends on the...
I’m back?!?

I’m back?!?

So… it’s been awhile. And so much has happened: Pandemic BLMRiotsWarShifting of leadersMore riotsMore pandemicMore War I don’t know if anyone else got a little tiredBut I had to step away from social media for awhile. But…I’m back!!!With...
Racism in Canada Pt.2

Racism in Canada Pt.2

I’ve been absent for a few weeks.Nothing quite like a pandemic to take the wind out of your sails.For whatever reason I’m experiencing a lot of social media fatigue…I’m sure there’s others out there. I’m excited to have a guest on...