Author Interview with Akua Leslie Hope

I’m so excited to welcome Akua Lezli Hope who wrote contributed a wonderful poem to the Merciless Mermaids: Tails from the Deep anthology.

Akua was the 2022 Grand Master of Fantastic Poetry (SFPA), creates poems, patterns, stories, music, sculpture, adornments & peace. Author of four poetry collections including Otherwheres (2021 Elgin Award), edited NOMBONO: (the first) Anthology of Speculative Poetry by BIPOC creators. Created The Speculative Sunday Poetry Reading Series now in its 4th season.

So, tell me something unique about yourself.

I wrote my first speculative poems in the sixth grade, been in print since 1974, studied the violin, cello, and bassoon. Own 3 saxophones. Working on the soprano because I can’t hold the tenor or alto in my wheelchair. Know several arias by heart in Italian and love to sing my favorite Japanese anime tunes. Have designed over 150 crochet patterns . Am a handpaper maker with 2 beaters. Miss glassmaking, curtailed by my paralysis.

Do you have a previous writing credits or is this your debut? In a few words please share a project you’re most proud of.

I have about 500 poems in print. The next project is always my favorite. Currently have 2 collections looking for publishers.

What inspired your piece in Merciless Maidens?

I was going through a retelling tales period.

If you want to find out more about Akua Lezli Hope you can check out her website or find her on instagram.

And be sure to pick up your copy of the anthology so you can enjoy her poem.

Keep Chasing!