About Karen deBlieck
Best Selling Author
My Story
Karen deBlieck’s writing reflects the tension of identity and the sense of belonging she struggled with as a black American born in Japan and adopted by white Canadian missionaries. From a very young age she found solace in putting her thoughts and feelings down on the page. Writing in poem, short story and novel form her pieces are emotionally and conflict charged.
Karen deBlieck is still a teenager even though she’s spent 40 something years on this earth. She stays up way to late reading books under the covers and eats far too much pizza. Living in the great Canadian north with her husband and four young adults she does not, in fact, like the cold or snow. Her books are laced with history that wasn’t taught in school and teenage love, antics, and pain that trancends time. She’s a firm believer that people’s hearts open to change when they hear the words “Once Upon a Time”.
Her writing has won awards from The Word Guild (Canada) and ACFW. More recently she received a BIPOC scholarship to both the SCBWI Winter and Summer conference. Her writing reflects the tensions of racial identity and belonging that she struggled with as a black teen adopted by a white family.
Karen loves chatting to writers and readers so be sure to find her on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Or you can always send her a message.
Represented by: Don Pape

Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while.
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